Inspired by the film The Witch, The Satanic Temple crossed the nation February 2016 to present a four-part cycle of interactive performances to reify the witch - and herald a new Satanic American era. A study of the pathology of religious hysteria, The Witch provides a glimpse into a dark period of our collective history, a  puritanical worldview turned parasitic.  Despite the mythology, supernatural forces do not inspire an attraction to the left hand path, rather it is the unnatural pressures of theocracy that ultimately produce a Satanic breakthrough. This is a timely film.  Nearly four-hundred years after the first execution of an American "witch," many in our nation still call for the establishment of an American theocracy and a return to the puritanical delusions of old.   In the face of relentless persecution, of unjust authority treading on our private, intellectual and sexual lives, we, the outsiders, the freethinking, and the godless have found ourselves strengthened.  We act now to righteously assert our American freedoms, for the edification of our communities and the future of the private citizen.  The Sabbat Cycle mirrors phases of "becoming" in the personal road to Satanism and is an invitation to join us in the Satanic Revolution.  

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